
I am glad that you have found your way to me


My name is Johannes Dimos Bogiatzis, Ba.Pth., I am a psychotherapist in training under supervision. I work according to the existential analytical and logotherapeutic method. This I've learnt during my training at the Sigmund Freud University and the GLE - Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. During this time, I was able to gain experience in a wide variety of areas and institutions.

In addition to my private practice in Vienna's 2nd district, I currently support the Therapiezentrum Simmering and the Verein Limes. For a complete list and description of my career, please click on the button ‘learn more’.

Sequence of events

  • Get in touch
  • Arrange an appointment 
  • Initial consultation
  • Costs 80€/Session

Traget group

  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Elderly people 

Focal points

  • Anxiety/panic attacks
  • Job
  • Training/school
  • Burnout/boreout
  • Depression
  • Suffering pressure 

Existential analysis & Logotherapy

Existential analysis is about supporting clients in leading a life that corresponds to their own nature. We encourage clients not to feel like victims of their circumstances, but to shape their lives with determination. Existential analysis encourages a dialogue with oneself and with the world in which the person lives. In the process, life questions arise that demand an authentic answer:

  • Where am I safe?
  •  What makes me feel alive?
  • Who am I?
  • What makes my life meaningful?


Im Begriff Existenz geht es um ein wirkliches Vorhandensein des Einzelnen in seiner einzigartigen Einmaligkeit. Es geht um das "gelebte Leben" - denn nur so kann der Mensch Erfüllung erlangen und sein eigenes "Ja zum Leben" finden. Leben ist dann existentiell, wenn er in seiner Ganzheit, in körperlicher, psychischer und geistiger/personaler Hinsicht, in seinem Leben anwesend ist und es seiner Person entsprechend gestaltet. Bewusst oder unbewusst, jeder Mensch betreibt unablässig so etwas wie Existenzanalyse. Wenn er darauf verzichtet, wenn er ablässt vom Suchen und Antworten, findet er sich wieder inmitten einer Fülle von "unbelebtem Leben". 

 (Längle, Existenzanalyse und Logotherapie, S. 28, 1.Auflage 2021)

English translation:

The concept of existence is about the real existence of the individual in their unique uniqueness. It is about "living life" - because only in this way can people achieve fulfilment and find their own "yes to life". Life is existential when a person is present in their life in its entirety - physically, mentally and spiritually/personally - and shapes it according to who they are. Consciously or unconsciously, everyone is constantly doing something like existential analysis. If he renounces it, if he lets go of searching and answering, he finds himself in the midst of an abundance of "inanimate life.

Get in touch


Volkerstraße 4/2/10

1020 Wien

